I think I smell a food stall nearby...


Name: Edel Lihzeh
Pronouns: She/They
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Age: 26
Height: Short.
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Birthplace: Black Shroud
Sexuality: Doesn't care about gender. If you're kind and have a nice voice, you're good
Marital Status: Unmarried
Relationship Status: Single

Likes: Talking about the stars, sweets, hot springs, good conversation, soothing voices
Dislikes: Those who doubt her capabilities, spaces that are too crowded, sour things
Personality: Rather quiet and reserved most of the time, only becoming outgoing after getting to know someone well. If you mention magic or the stars, she won't stop talking.

Misc Info:
-While not completely blind, she can only really make out hazy shapes of things around her.
-She gets help navigating via her summons.
-She can be rather clumsy, tripping often.
-While she has never seen the stars, she grew to love them because of her adoptive parents. Knowing she was self conscious about her pale grey eyes, her parents told her they are beautiful and shine like the stars.
-Her parents ended up teaching her about stars the best they could, describing the night sky in vivid detail. Edel can now name a lot of the constellations and tell you where they should be in the sky based on the time of year.
-When it comes to studying, she has her faeries or fellow arcanists read the words to her.

My past? Ah, that matters little...


Like many Keepers of the Moon, Edel was born in the Black Shroud. It was clear something was different about her when she was born, as her eyes were glossy and pale. Her parents were quick to notice that the kit could barely see a thing. She didn't react much to motion nor did it seem she was able to make out objects. Her stare was rather blank.
The forest is for hunters, and hunting is something you need good eyesight for. While they tried to raise her for a while, things didn't go well. She clearly wasn't cut out for life in the forest.
Guards in Gridania found an abandoned child by the gate, then the rest was history.
As Edel grew, she learnt that she held an affinity for magic. Some point in her early adulthood, she decided to travel to Limsa to peruse the ways of an arcanist. (Of course her adoptive parents insisted on helping her get there, lest she get lost somewhere.)
After quite a few years of study, she has become a notable person among the arcanist guild.

My feet work against me sometimes...don't worry about it. I'll stand up in a moment.

Hooks (in progress)

Oops...: So, you watched her trip over her own two feet. Shall you say anything? Help her get up? Or pretend you saw nothing?"You're an astrologian? Please tell me all you know! I always like learning more about the stars...": Edel will never pass up the opportunity to learn more about the stars which she holds so dear. She may never get to see them, but she can imagine them through people's words.Staring: It looks like Edel is staring right at you...or maybe through you. Into your soul. In reality, she's not looking at a thing except some blobs of color. However, how are you to know that?Are you a Keeper of the Moon? From the Black Shroud?: If you are, perhaps you'd have things to talk about with Edel. While she wasn't raised there for long, she left an impression on the tribe anyway. A blind kit is sure to be a talking point for a while.


  • Roleplay canon divergent content

  • Roleplay in dungeons

  • Accept walk-ups

  • Roleplay mature themes

  • Do short or long term roleplays

  • Discord and in game roleplay


  • Roleplay with WoLs

  • Permadeath

  • Roleplay with anyone under 18

  • God modding

  • Deal with Mary/Gary Sues

  • Associate with anti LGBTQ+ people

About me & Active Hours

Welcome welcome~! I'm Cecil, but you may refer to me as whatever you see fit. My pronouns are they/them.
I am a long time roleplayer, however I am still behind when it comes to the XIV story (I am lame). I enjoy in character interactions while in game, but roleplays over Discord are alright as well!
You can catch me online most evenings.
Below you can find links to my other characters carrds: Say'ri and Ayune.